Commercial Fire Suppression Systems in Salisbury, London, and the South of England

Covering All Your Safety Needs

Interested in fire suppression systems? Available throughout Salisbury, Wiltshire, and the south of England, Ansul fire suppression systems are a crucial piece of commercial fire safety equipment. Responding to fires within seconds, these systems are ideal for commercial kitchens such as hotel kitchens, restaurants, and fast-food outlets. They also protect a range of appliances, including deep-fat fryers, brat pans, and grills. Get in touch today to discover more.

How It Works

Suppressing a fire quickly can help prevent prolonged periods of closure afterwards. In the event of a fire, the Ansul fire suppression system will discharge automatically. The system’s Ansulex suppressant agent is equipment-friendly and easy to clean up, which can help you start operating again quickly. What’s more, the Ansul system can be operated manually by pulling the manual pull station, activating the fire alarm and alerting the rest of the building to start evacuation.

Fire Suppression System

24/7 Protection

Operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the Ansul system protects your premises even when they aren’t manned. Some insurance companies require commercial kitchens to have his type of protection. Furthermore, the Ansul system is approved to Loss Prevention Standard 1223 (LPS 1223) and UL300.

Specialising in Commercial Fire Safety

Fire suppression systems are a major part of commercial fire safety in kitchen environments.