Looking for electrical testing services in the south of England? Call ABC Fire & Safety to arrange fixed wire testing and electrical installation condition reports (EICR). Our fully trained and qualified engineers provide six-monthly and annual service contracts. Get in touch with our friendly and professional team in Salisbury, Wiltshire, for further details.
What Is Fixed Wire Testing?
As the name suggests, this type of testing refers to electrical items that are fixed and permanent within your business premises, such as plug sockets, lights, and extractor fans. As NICEIC-approved contractors, we will undertake these tests and provide a full EICR for your premises.
The Electricity at Work Regulations stipulate that all fixed electrical items within a commercial building are required to have an electrical inspection and testing every 5 years. Often referred to as a periodic electrical inspection or fixed electrical testing, these tests involve a visual inspection, followed by specialist electrical testing procedures.